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Writer's pictureTahira Neckles

How to Write and Self-Publish a Book in 2022

Updated: Dec 3, 2021

Tis the Season to Write a Book blog series continues as we countdown our way to Christmas. A great way to write a book is to simply write about something you already know. Something you have achieved and create a step-by-step or show others "how to" do that particular thing. Today is Day 2 of 24 where I teach you how to do something I know well, let's dive right in.

As a Self-published author with 6 years of experience, I have mastered a Blueprint that has allowed me to become 10 times a published author. Currently, I am working on a book series so I'm not only an author, but a writer, and I teach others how to self-publish their own books as well. So keep reading if you want my 6-Step Blueprint to write a book in 2022.

Step #1 Vision and Your Why

Why do you want to write a book? I know a lot of people think writing is the first step but let me tell you it takes more than putting words together to make your dream of becoming a published author a reality. First, get clear and have a strong "Why". A "Why" is defined as the driving force or conviction that propels you forward.

Step #2 Decide on Type of Book and Create an Outline

Okay now that you have your "Why" you need to decide. To be clear, decide on the type of book you want to write.

Will it be...

  • a prayer journal

  • a personal story

  • a step by step

These are a few types of books you can write in 30 days.

Decide who is the book for? It's important to have an audience in mind before even writing the book. Some might call this your "target market" but the point is you're writing for someone else to benefit from your book.

Decide on how you will outline your book. Look, before you dive into writing you must have an outline. Yes, I'm going to say it again for all the people in the back, an outline is a must!

I highly recommend you decide before starting to write the book. An outline will keep you focused and give you a specific plan of action. Without an outline, you have no direction.

Hint: I even have an outline for this blog series, I know exactly what topics I will write about see all 24 here.

Step#3 Set Writing Goals and Start the Writing Process

Yes, writing is step 3 out of 6 (not 1 or 2). Now here is where your writing process can vary. It's important to do what works best for you to find your writing rhythm. However, here are the basics you need to know.

Set writing goals. Set a start and finish date for your book. Yes, the mind likes something to focus on. For first-time authors to get their book done fast I recommend a 120-page book. Also, short read books are in, write 10,000 words are less. Yes, think quality over quantity. If you can give your reader a solution to their problem in 120 pages they will feel accomplished finishing your book. Set an achievable word count goal like 500 words a day 5 days a week. I recommend at least 30-minute writing sessions 5 days a week or 2 hours 30 minutes a week if you want to finish your book in 30 days.

Pro Tip: Okay I'm going to share a quick way I help my clients skip this writing process and you can use this method too. It's called Talk to Text. Why write when you can just speak and have your words typed for you.

With my clients, the writing process can be expedited by using video conference interviewing and asking according to the outline to get the word count needed for their book. Then I take the video and have it transcribed. Now the computer is doing the writing for you.

Step #4 Rough Draft and Proofreading

After the bulk of your writing is done you want to review your rough draft. It's okay to have multiple rough drafts during this step. You want at least three eyeballs to review your rough draft. You count as one and at least two other people. There are many who will outsource this part in the writing process. It really depends on how much help you need with editing, and formatting your book. If you're pretty confident after reviewing your rough draft then two additional proofreaders suffice to double-check the spelling, sentence structure, etc.

Pro-Tip: While you wait for the proofreaders, finalize your book title if you haven't already and get the book cover made (you can outsource the book cover as well).

Step #5 Approve Final Draft and Copyright

When you get your final rough draft back from the proofreaders they will have recommended changes (this is normal to have suggestions). Once you approve the changes now you have a final draft. The very next step is to protect your work. Yes, please get your book copyrighted, it is your intellectual property; an asset. Begin now to see the value of your book even before it is available to the general public. If you are in the USA here is the link to find out more information Literary Works: Registration | U.S. Copyright Office

Pro Tip: Start Pre-selling your book and getting the word out. You don't have to wait until your copyright comes back to start pre-selling. Once it's submitted you have a record so feel free to start telling friends and family that you have a book coming out. You can even set a release date and have a launch party (more on this in an upcoming blog post).

Step #6 Create Ebook and Self-Publish your book

Now you're at the finish line. Once you have approved your final draft go ahead and create a PDF. Now you can start pre-selling it as an ebook. Next, you self-publish it to Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, or any of the various distribution sites. I will go into details about the various options in another upcoming blog post.

Pro Tip: I highly recommend you have your own website as well to sell your book direct to consumers (higher income margins than royalties) and start an email list. Once you accomplish the dream of publishing the first book you might want to publish another. Having an email list of raving fans will help you sell more books with ease.

Yay, you did it! You're now a published author. Can you see how simple the process can be? Sometimes you just need accountability to get it done. If you want to help to create a Success Plan Book a consultation here I'm happy to assist.

This is your season to write your book and finally become an author in 2022. If you're a self-starter take these steps and get started. You can do it! And if you would like assistance with the 6-Step Blueprint I can help. Also, don't let self-publishing scare you. I will be breaking down all the potential costs in another upcoming blog post.

Tomorrow Day 3, I share tips on when you have a lot of ideas and how to focus on one so stay tuned. Which one of the above steps are you going to take action on? If you enjoyed reading make sure to like, comment, and subscribe to this site so that you never miss a post during this series.

Book your one-on-one consultation Success Plan to Self-Publishing Fall Special is currently $150 vs. $250. You will walk away with clarity and 3 actionable steps to write your book and self-publish the right way. Click here to schedule your success plan.

If you're an aspiring author of faith this book is for You. Also makes a great gift for someone you love. Available now on Amazon for $14.99 click the link here to get your copy.

This blog contains affiliate links. As an Amazon associate if you purchase from any link I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks again for your support. And happy holidays!

Hi, I'm Tahira! Author, Writer, and Book Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help other women of faith write and self-publish a book for impact and income in 30 days. Learn more and get my Write a Book 6-Step Blueprint Free Checklist click here.

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