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Writer's pictureTahira Neckles

How to Self-Publish on Amazon KDP Step-by-Step in 2023

So, if you want to publish your book on Amazon KDP, then you're in the right place. This blog post covers 15 Easy Steps to Self-Publish on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). By the end of this post, you'll know the exact steps I have used over the last 8 years as an author of over 20 self-published books currently on the Amazon platform. I have also included pictures and video tutorials to help walk you through each step. Enjoy and let's dive right in.

Self-Publishing Steps

Step 1- Set up a Free KDP account- you can do this today go here. It will look like the picture below.

Step 2- Get the Full Cover size for your Book- For example, if you are publishing a standard

6 x 9-inch book the full size you will need is 12.52 x 9.25 inches for a 120-page book. This will be important for designing your cover. However, there are many different book sizes to choose from. KDP offers a cover calculator

Below is just an example

Step 3- Research at least two Categories to publish your book with- example of a category is non-fiction self-help, inspirational and motivational. You will need two categories to self-publish on KDP. Below is just an example

Step 4: Research Keywords to use when self-publishing. I recommend you have at least nine from Amazon. Keywords or phrases searched on Amazon help your potential reader to find your book. You can use the AMZ Suggestion Expander. It is a great tool to find more keywords on Amazon.

Step 5: Include Keywords in the Title or/and the Subtitle section of your book. Use keywords with at least 1,000 search results when in the books section. Make sure your title matches your book cover title, however, the subtitle is optional.

Step 6: Include your Book Description and make sure to start with the benefits of your book and then list the features. Amazon will give you 4000 words to write a great book description. Remember this is what your potential customer will read when making the decision to purchase your book. Need help with your book description? I can help click here to schedule your one-on-one consultation.

Step 7: Create your Book interior content - I recommend a 120-page manuscript or no more than 150 pages for your first book. Remember that the final manuscript needs to be a pdf when it comes to a paperback and/or if creating a hardcover on KDP. However, if creating an ebook for Kindle you can upload a Microsoft doc file. Also, pick on KDP whether you need bleed or no bleed for your interior.

I recommend that you place your book in multiple versions; eBook, paperback, hardcover, and audio. This gives your readers options in how they want to consume your book. If you need help with creating your eBook consider using Kindle Create, see pic below. If you need help with formatting KDP offers free templates here is the link

Step 8: Create your Book Cover - The cover needs to be a PDF when uploaded to KDP. You can have your cover designed. This is one part of the self-publishing step I recommend you outsource. However, if you have a good eye for design, you can use Canva to design your book cover. Below is a picture of where on KDP to upload your book cover. KDP has two types of covers, Matte or Glossy, you will need to pick one for your book.

Need to get your book cover designed?

Try 99designs.

Step 9: Get everything organized and ready to upload- your keywords, title, book description, categories, PDF book interior, PDF book cover. If you have all this when you go to self-publish it will take 15 minutes to upload and self-publish to KDP. I recommend you start with self-publishing a paperback.

Step 10: Get an ISBN- you can select the free ISBN given from KDP or you can purchase your own from Bowker. Watch the video below for where to get ISBN and how to save for authors who want multiple book formats.

Step 11: Decide and input your Author Name- you can use your own name or decide to go with a pen name. KDP allows you to use a pen name to publish your book. There is also a section to list any contributors to your book as well.

Step 12: Then Set your Price- It is free to self-publish on KDP, however, there is an additional cost to consider when self-publishing on KDP. There is the price to print your paperback book, KDP takes a percentage, then you will receive 60% of royalties. You can receive up to 70% royalties for publishing a Kindle eBook. Make sure to do your research when deciding what to price your book. Look at the type of books selling in your genre. An average paperback book costs between $14.99- $19.99.

Step 13: Hit Save and Publish. Yay! You did it! Now you have to wait 72 hours for KDP to approve your book (it may take up to a week so be patient). Watch my Self-publishing on KDP Playlist for Step-by-Step tutorials.

Step 14: Once your book is approved. Congratulations, you are a published author. Now that it's ready to buy on the Amazon platform I always recommend that you purchase a copy (this is like an author copy or proof). Make sure you like the way the book looks.

Step 15: For the final step, now that you have an author copy in your hand and love how your book came out, it's time to start marketing your book. It's important to promote your book and create content for others to know it's available and a valuable resource. Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts to help you market your book in 2023.

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Need help self-publishing your book? Book your one-on-one consultation for an individualized Success Plan to Self-Publishing Winter Special is currently $100 vs. $250.

Click here to schedule your success plan.

If you're an aspiring author of faith this book is for You. Also comes with a bonus 30-Day Devotional for Courage, Consistency, and Confidence. Available now on Amazon for $14.99 click the link here to get your copy.

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Hi, I'm Tahira! Author, Writer, and Self-publishing Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help others publish faith-based books for impact and income. Learn more and get my Self-Publishing on KDP Free Checklist click here.

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