So, you want to author a book this year. Well, I've got you covered. As someone who has self-published over 20 books on the Amazon KDP platform and entering my 8th year as an author, I've got a lot to share. In this blog I'm breaking down 7 tips. Let's dive right in.

Tip #1 Write When You Have the Most Energy.
Writing a book is a mental sport and it's important you get in touch with yourself and how you work best.
Ask yourself this question: When do I have the most energy?
Are you a morning person?
Evening person?
Do you feel more refreshed after a nap?
Do what works best for you. I've found writing between the hours of 3am to 5am works for me because it's so quiet and I can really connect with God.
But please do not try to write your book when you are tired. When writing a book allow yourself to get into a flow. This is when you're on a roll and don't notice time flying by. It's difficult to reach this flow state if you're fighting fatigue.
Tip #2 Set a Day or Certain Amount of Time Each Week to Write.
Writing a book takes dedication so there are two ways you can get it done. By setting certain days you will sit down and write are set a certain number of hours you'll write each week. I recommend at least 2.5 hours a week if you want to complete your book in 30 days.
Here are examples of writing goals you can set
In 2023 I will write on Thursdays and Sundays to complete my book.
In 2023 I will work on my book for up to 3 hours a week.
Personally, I do a combination of both depending on my week. I'm not on any writing deadlines so if I miss a writing day, I stay flexible and default to spending at least 2 hours a week toward writing my book.
Tip #3 Stay Rooted in Your Faith.
This is my favorite tip and really could be number one. Your belief in yourself must come from an unwavering faith that God is for you, and has purposed you to get this book done. I pull on the word of God whether listening to a sermon, reading the Bible, meditating on a scripture, reading a devotional or prayer journaling. There are so many ways to stay rooted in your faith so that when discouragement tries to hit, you're uplifted. My prayer for you in 2023 is that you will keep a strong faith and believe in yourself.
I'm currently working on a Devotional about Faith to help you do just that. So, make sure you stay tuned for I'll be dropping a new blog when my new book goes on pre-sale.
Tip #4 Give Yourself Rewards for Making Progress on your Writing Goals.
People forget that staying motivated is important during the writing process. I recommend you celebrate yourself and reward yourself throughout the writing process. I like to reward myself every week even if small when I reach my writing goal.
For example, I sat down to write this blog post. It took me about two hours from start to finish. My reward is a foot massage in my new heated basin and yes if I don't meet my goal no reward. Since I really love foot massages, I'm motivated to complete my blog and reward myself.
So, what motivates you?
Do you have a favorite show?
Favorite dessert or drink?
Whatever it is, place the reward on your planner and do something nice for yourself as you write your book.
Tip #5 Use Templates from Canva to Speed up the Process.
Depending on the type of book you're writing Canva can be a great tool to get your book done fast. For example, writing a Prayer Journal, there are templates on Canva so you don't have to start from scratch. Check out one of my most popular YouTube tutorials that walks you step-by-step through how to create a Prayer Journal to Self-Publish on Amazon KDP using Canva.
If you want to publish a Prayer Journal, get my template and more with the Prayer Journal Self-Publishing Bundle. Enter Save20 at checkout to save $20.
Tip #6 Use Editing Software as You Write such as Grammarly or Microsoft Editor.
After writing your book I always recommend getting it professionally edited. However, using editing software can cut down on the cost you pay when you send your rough draft to a proofreader. My personal favorite is Microsoft Editor. You can use it in Word and now they even allow it on your browser.
I even use Microsoft Editor to edit my blog post and it has pretty good accuracy. Another thing I really enjoy about Microsoft Editor is that is also gives you the voice typing feature so if you get tired of typing try the talk-to-text feature. You can also use this same tool in google docs.
These editing tools both offer free versions to get started, however, I do pay annually for my editing software. Remember it's a writing expense you acquire as an author but well worth the investment.
Tip #7 Get Support and Accountability!
Writing a book in 2023 doesn't have to be a lonely journey. The best thing you can do when writing a book is to surround yourself with like-minded people who will encourage you along your author journey. If you need a supportive environment, I'm here for you. Schedule a one-on-one consultation with me and get access to The Blessed Author VIP Community on Facebook for continued accountability on your author journey.
In conclusion. . .
Use these 7 tips for your success in 2023.
Write when you have the most energy.
Set a day or certain amount of time each week to write.
Stay rooted in your Faith.
Give yourself rewards for making progress on your writing goals.
Use templates from Canva to speed up the process.
Use editing software as you write such as Grammarly or my personal favorite Microsoft Editor.
Get support and accountability
You can do it! And remember even if you are working on your first book or God has purposed you to write a few books, remember you are a blessed author.
Did you enjoy these tips? Then I have good news. I have 30 more writing tips inside of my signature book 6-Step Blueprint chapter 3 pages 68-72. This book will teach you how to Write, Publish, and Market Your book for Faith-Based Authors. You can get an instant download for only $7 click here for your eBook copy.
Other Helpful Blog Post:
If you would like further assistance with any of the tips mentioned above, schedule a one-on-one consultation. The Winter Special is $100 vs $250. Click here for more info and to schedule your success plan.
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If you're an aspiring author of faith this book is for You. It also includes a Bonus 30-Day Devotional for courage, confidence, and consistency on your journey to becoming an author. Available now on Amazon for $14.99 click the link here to get your paperback copy.

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Hi, I'm Tahira! Christian Author, Teacher, and Self-Publishing Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help others publish faith-based books for impact and income. Learn more and get my Self-Publishing on KDP Free Checklist click here.