Tis the Season to Write a Book blog series continues as we countdown our way to Christmas. So, time is of the essence. I get it, you want to write a book but where do you find the time in your already booked schedule. Today is Day 13 of 24, here are 5 writing tips if you're crunched for time, let's dive right in.

Tip #1 Use the Talk to Text or Dictation Feature on the Computer.
You can use the free Google docs voice typing feature to expedite the writing process.

Tip #2 Video Record Yourself then Have the Recording Transcribed.
Record yourself on video answering certain questions you want in your book. Then you can use software or hire someone to transcribe your video for you. Here is a resource https://www.happyscribe.com/video-to-text the first 10 minutes are free.
Tip #3 Hire Someone to Help You Self-Publish
Here at TahiraGift Consulting, I have a Premium Done For You (DFY) Service where I use the video recording method to help you talk out your book then I format it, edit it, and self-publish it. It's all your words but I help you save time and get it done fast. This is a 6-week process. If interested schedule a one-on-one consults today.
Tip #4 Outsource the Writing Process
You can find someone on Fiverr to help you write, edit, and design your book cover. If you have the extra funds you can outsource the entire writing process. This takes being willing to delegate and be comfortable with decision-making.
Tip #5 Start With a Low Content Book
A low content book would mean a journal or workbook. You can write 1000 words or less and the rest of the book is blank writing space or reflection questions. You can write 200 words a day 5 days a week and you can be done in less than 30 days. Remember just because it's low content does not mean low quality. Always think quality over quantity because you want to stand behind and be proud of any book you self-publish. Send your rough draft to the editor, get a nice cover designed, self-publish with KDP and you have your first book.
Tomorrow Day 14, I will share how to improve your writing skills so stay tuned. If you enjoyed reading make sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe to this site so that you never miss a post during this series. If you missed any of the posts during this series go back to Day 1 click here to catch up.
Need help writing your book? Book your one-on-one consultation Success Plan to Self-Publishing Fall Special is currently $150 vs. $250. You will walk away with clarity and 3 actionable steps to write your book and self-publish the right way. Click here to schedule your success plan.
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Hi, I'm Tahira! Author, Writer, and Book Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help other women of faith write and self-publish a book for impact and income in 30 days. Learn more and get my Write a Book 6-Step Blueprint Free Checklist click here.