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Tahira Neckles

7 Powerful Ways to Practice Forgiveness for Abundant Living

In this blog post I'm not about to tell you who to forgive, but the methods you can apply when choosing to forgive. And yes, I believe forgiveness is a choice, just as you can choose which toothpaste to use there are a variety of ways to practice forgiveness. Sure, there are people who need our forgiveness; maybe a friend, mother, father, current or ex spouse, sibling, or child, it really doesn't matter who the person is that you need to forgive. What's more important is the reason "why" you need to forgive, and it's simple: to have more Joy and Freedom that only forgiveness can bring.

Often times the person we have to forgive the most is looking us right in the mirror. Yes forgive yourself! Why is forgiveness so important?

Well, think about all the many negative emotions and fears unforgiveness harbors. When you choose not to forgive you hold yourself hostage to shame and/or guilt. None of us are perfect people yet we strive for perfection, then get mad at ourselves or others when things don't go as planned. Life is full of ups and downs but when you bring forgiveness you are saying "no matter what I go through I will practice unconditional love on this life's journey". I know it's not easy to practice Forgiveness but that is why I want to encourage and remind you.

Forgiveness will set you free emotionally and spiritually.

Try forgiveness and see how your life will improve for the better. Below are 7 ways you can begin to let go and practice forgiveness for Abundant Living.

Here is:

Forgiveness takes faith and out of this forgiveness something beautiful will manifest. And as we learned last week Faith is about action so here are 7 Powerful Ways to Practice Forgiveness:

1)Tell the truth- acknowledge the unforgiveness this awareness can set you free (even if just saying "I forgive you" when looking at yourself in the mirror).

2) Write it down- in a letter format you are going to write the person a forgiveness letter (you do not have to actually mail it or email it) but just the process of writing it will help you release.

3) Journal about Forgiveness- especially if you just need to write without judgement- looking back at your writing can be very freeing when words are hard to express.

4) Get Creative- who says forgiveness can't be fun- take positive quotes about forgiveness like this one "To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness. -Robert Muller". Write enough handwritten quotes on paper to fill up a jar. Allow the jar to be a reminder and guidance to always forgive and when you need a little courage pull out a quote and read it for inspiration.

5) Silently pray - somethings are hard to deal with and I believe can only be healed when you bring it to God. Know that you are unconditionally loved and can seek refuge in God's Forgiveness.

6) Seek help- sometimes forgiveness requires you talk to a counselor, Pastor, therapist, or even a friend but most importantly don't hold it in.

7) Express outward forgiveness- sometimes it is you who needs to pick up the phone, call up that person you have avoided, and offer forgiveness. Have the courage to Face it.


Do you want more abundance, sense of joy and fulfillment as you journey through life? This week I encourage you to do at least 1 of the 7 things listed above. Take this week to reflect on your experiences and write down in a journal all you discover. Taking action and then journaling about your results is an awareness process that can create more abundance in your life. Make sure to grab 30 Day Expectation For Your Good Playbook to help you manifest your desires. Please like, share, and comment if this blog post was helpful or an encouragement to you. When sharing you can use any of the hashtags listed #52WeeksofAbundance #TahiraGift #GivingInspirationforToday.

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If we aren't connected yet on social media, I'd love to connect with you on Instagram and Twitter. You can also like my Facebook page here, and join me live Saturdays. Thank you!

Giving Inspiration for today, until next time, Take Care.

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