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Tahira Neckles

4 Powerful Ways Excitement Can Attract Abundance

Excitement is energy and when you use the power of excitement you attract more abundance into your life. So I want to encourage you this week to get excited about life, new opportunities will come when you give out this energy. The opposite of excitement is nervous energy and if you're not careful this fear can also attract what can feel like closed doors and stagnation. If nothing is happening in your life use the power of excitement to shift things in your direction. When you are excited you are anticipating a joyful experience to come; so keep expecting because with excitement something good is on the way.

The energy of excitement opens up doors of opportunity.

Here is:

The 4 Powerful ways to attract with Excitement

1) Shift in the moment: Choose to shift from nervous energy to excitement and feel the difference.

2) Express it: Excitement comes from Joy and will give back like a boomerang.

3) Meditate: Focus on excitement in your mind then an experience to be excited about will appear.

4) Expect it: Excitement means something good is coming your way.


Do you want more abundance, sense of joy and fulfillment as you journey through life? This week I encourage you to do at least 1 of the 4 things listed above. Take this week to reflect on your experiences and write down in a journal all you discover. Taking action and then journaling about your results is an awareness process that can create more abundance in your life. Make sure to grab 30 Day Expectation For Your Good Playbook to help you manifest your desires. Please like, share, and comment if this blog post was helpful or an encouragement to you. When sharing you can use any of the hashtags listed #52WeeksofAbundance #TahiraGift #GivingInspirationforToday.

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If we aren't connected yet on social media, I'd love to connect with you on Instagram and Twitter. You can also like my Facebook page here. Thank you!

Giving Inspiration for today, until next time, Take Care.

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