Tis the Season to Write a Book blog series continues as we countdown our way to Christmas. Congratulations you self-published and authored a book. Now what? How do you go about making money? Well if you're in need of some ideas this is the blog post for you. Today is Day 18 of 24, here are 15 tips to promote your book, let's dive right in.

1. Be proud of your book and talk about it confidently. Get in the habit of promoting your book.
2. Celebrate this achievement by posting a video or doing a LIVE unboxing of your new book.
3. Ask for the sale. Tell people where they can purchase your new book. Give them a direct link (Do not have your reader jumping through hoops to find your purchase link).
4. Tell people why you wrote the book. Be vulnerable and don't be afraid to go below the surface talk. Surface talk looks like you saying "I'm a new author please support me and buy my book". However, stating your why in a deeper way sounds more like this, "even though I'm a new author this book has been in my heart for years. God called me to share my story so that it can help free other single moms."
5. Tell people why they need this book. This is when you talk about the benefits of your book. What result will they get from reading your book? For example, with my new book, the benefit is they will have the steps they need to write, self-publish, and market a book.
6. Speak to your ideal client. Tell them who the book is for. If you talk to your reader they will qualify themselves if the book is a good fit. Use words like, "If you identify as.... then this book is for you". For example, with my new book I say, If you're an aspiring author of faith then this book is for you".
7. Share and overshare the book title. A good book title alone can sell your book. For example, here is a book I highly recommend reading, The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks
8. Share the book description. Create a compelling book description with keywords. A keyword is one to three words or a phrase people are searching for. An example of a keyword would be "Daily Gratitude 365 Reflection." People looking for this type of book will be able to find your book on Amazon.
9. Record a video of you reading parts of your book. Give the reader a book preview.
10. Do a giveaway.
11. Do a press release.
12. Promote your book in free social media groups or apps.
13. Blog about your book.
14. Create a special announcement post video make it into an Instagram Reel, Tik Tok, or YouTube Shorts.
15. Create a book trailer and post it on Youtube, your website, and your social media channel.
Did you enjoy these 15 promoting tips? Then you will love the next upcoming blog posts. Tomorrow Day 19, I will share more ways to increase your book sells in 30 days so stay tuned. If you enjoyed reading make sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe to this site so that you never miss a post during this series. If you missed any of the posts during this series go back to Day 1 click here to catch up.
Need help writing your book? Book your one-on-one consultation Success Plan to Self-Publishing Fall Special is currently $150 vs. $250. You will walk away with clarity and 3 actionable steps to write your book and self-publish the right way. Click here to schedule your success plan.
If you're an aspiring author of faith this book is for You. Also makes a great gift for someone you love. Available now on Amazon for $14.99 click the link here to get your copy.

This blog may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon associate if you purchase from any link I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks again for your support. And happy holidays!

Hi, I'm Tahira! Author, Writer, and Book Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help other women of faith write and self-publish a book for impact and income in 30 days. Learn more and get my Write a Book 6-Step Blueprint Free Checklist click here.