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10 Success Tips To Make More Book Sells I The Power of 10

Tis the Season to Write a Book blog series continues as we countdown our way to Christmas. Once you have self-published your book you want to create income. Today is day 17 of 24 here are 10 organic ways to increase book sells, let's dive right in.

One mistake I see first-time authors making is not promoting their book.

How can you make book sells if you're not willing to tell people you have something that can help them?

Tip #1 Understand the power of multiplication with the power of 10. It's really a numbers game. If you multiply 10 by 10 you get 100.

If you want to organically reach people your job as an author is to use the power of 10 to get your book in front of the people who would be interested in your book.

Tip #2 First, make sure you have a way for people to buy your book, a link to purchase. Whether you have a website or another platform to sell your book.

Tip #3 Be committed to promoting your book for the first 100 days after your book launch.

Tip #4 Create income goals and a checklist when you make your first $100 sells, then first $1000 sells, first $10,000 sells, then first $100,000 yes it's possible.

Tip #5 Track your book sells. Where do you get the most sells? Is it your website, Amazon, Google, Social-media links, vendor events, speaking engagements?

Tip #6 Make a list of 10 places your ideal reader hangs out. These are places you can organically market your book.

  1. Influencers and Guest Interview on Podcast

  2. Blogs

  3. Social media platforms, like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc

  4. Amazon

  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) you do this with Google, YouTube, Pinterest. Where do people search for information?

  6. Facebook groups

  7. Memberships free or paid

  8. Local Community members, churches, fundraisers, etc

  9. Friends, family, co-workers, or associates

  10. Barnes and Noble, the library, magazines, or local bookstores

Tip #7 Find 10 places to comment or post content. Be willing to engage and be social.

Tip #8 Review the data. After 100 days what yielded the most results?

Tip #9 Then focus on that one thing that yielded the most results for another 100 days. Then increase what is already working 10x it.

Tip #10 Be in it for the long haul. Success comes to those who are consistent. Making book sells organically takes time. As a first-time author don't get discouraged, keep going.

Which one of the above tips are you willing to try? Tomorrow Day 18, I will continue to share ways to promote your book so stay tuned. If you enjoyed reading make sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe to this site so that you never miss a post during this series. If you missed any of the posts during this series go back to Day 1 click here to catch up.

Need help writing your book? Book your one-on-one consultation Success Plan to Self-Publishing Fall Special is currently $150 vs. $250. You will walk away with clarity and 3 actionable steps to write your book and self-publish the right way. Click here to schedule your success plan.

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This blog may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon associate if you purchase from any link I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks again for your support. And happy holidays!

Hi, I'm Tahira! Author, Writer, and Book Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help other women of faith write and self-publish a book for impact and income in 30 days. Learn more and get my Write a Book 6-Step Blueprint Free Checklist click here.

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