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Writer's pictureTahira Neckles

Freedom to Follow Your Purpose and Write that Book

Do you feel God has given you a purpose to write a book but distractions have kept you away from putting the pen to paper and getting it done? Then you're in the right place. Honestly, I have struggled for the past 7 months to get out a book I know I'm supposed to write so you're not alone in this struggle.

It's so easy to let the day-to-day of life; working, cooking, serving your family cause your writing to take a back seat.

However, if you're reading this blog, you probably already know deep down, you're meant to publish a book in 2023.

If you need confirmation, you're being called to go forth with that book idea, then keep reading.

Here's how to know you're supposed to author a book:

  1. The book idea won't leave you alone. If weeks, months, heck even years go by and you still have that idea to write a book your purpose is to get it out into the world.

  2. When writing a book, it brings you a sense of joy and peace because with every page you write you know it's going to make a difference.

  3. If you feel excited and nervous all at the same time. Yes, it's possible and very likely when you are birthing a book that you're purposed to write you will go through different emotions.

  4. God wakes you up between quiet hours 3am - 5am and you get into a flow state. Flow state can be described as you're not worried about time and time seems to fly by quickly but you get some of your best writing done.

These are some of the signs to know your purpose is to write a book. Now is the season. God had me write this blog to tell you it's time for your freedom season. The Freedom to focus on your purpose and get that book done.

Tips to Write a Book on Purpose even if you're short on time.

I get it, taking the time to write a book when you already have a lot on your plate can seem daunting. But here are three tips sure to help you get started.

Tip #1 Find time during the week you can dedicate to working on your book. For me early Sunday mornings are the best time to write because the kids sleep in and I don't have any pressing work obligations. Why do I mention that? Because the person reading this who feels called to write that book it's your confirmation to find that sweet spot- a block of time you can flow in your writing.

Tip #2 Focus on being a blessing. There's no better time to help someone and your book could be the answer to prayer. Have faith that you will publish that book this year. Purpose comes from joy, peace, and knowing that the actions you take are making a difference.

Tip #3 Get accountability. If you are not a part of a writing community and would like support on how to write, publish, and market a book for impact and income then I'm here to support your journey. Check below for resources and incredible specials just for making it all the way to the end of this blog.


I'm currently writing a new book. That's right, I'm announcing my newest book coming out this summer. I'm still narrowing down the title but it's looking like Freedom Today, 7 Keys to Activate Joy, Purpose, and Inner Peace. I'm giving myself this entire second quarter of the year to complete this book, since I'm also a full time Christian teacher and currently finishing up the last 6 weeks of school.

Over the next several weeks I'll be breaking down each of the keys in more detail on this blog. If you want to go along this writing a book journey with me and get the motivation you need to stay the course with what God has purposed you to write then make sure you subscribe to my Blessed Author Newsletter so that you never miss when I post.

Thanks for reading and see you in the next post.

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If you would like further assistance with any of the steps mentioned above, schedule a one-on-one consultation. Click here for more info and to schedule your success plan.

If you're an aspiring author of faith this book is for You. Also makes a great gift for someone you love. Available now on Amazon for $14.99 click the link here to get your copy.

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Hi, I'm Tahira! Christian Author, Teacher, and Self-Publishing Consultant at TahiraGift Consulting LLC. As a Blessed Author, I share on this blog tips to help other women of faith write and self-publish a book for impact and income in 30 days. Learn more and get my Self-Publishing on KDP Free Checklist click here.

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