If God tells you to do it, trust he will provide. Many times, in the Bible you see examples of disciples of Jesus being instructed to go somewhere with nothing, yet God provided them shelter, food, and safety for the journey. God will provide the provision you need. Yes, God also wants to give you your heart's desires Psalm 37:4 "Delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." However, let's be clear, the provision for your purpose is God providing for your needs and not necessarily your wants. You may want a brand-new car, whatever your dream car is, let's say for fun it may start at a cost of $50,000. God knows you only need a reliable good car that can get you to where you need to go, and will bless you with a $10,000 dollar car. Would you take it? God has a way of surprising you.

You activate a supernatural provision that can only come from walking in purpose.

Provision from God can be supernatural. It's supernatural provision when a person or the world says no but God finds a way to come through anyways.
1. Maybe you were denied the loan but then the money appears.
2. You don't have the credit but supernaturally they give you the apartment.
3. You were denied by man but not by God.
You see when God's hand is on it, he will cause men to give unto you. These can be people you know, family and friends, or even strangers. God can and will use anyone to bless you so stay open.
I remember supernatural provisions started showing up in my life during the pandemic. I was like many parents forced to become home-school mom to kids who did not understand the sudden change of school closures. These closures affected my ability to work outside the home. However, God provided supernaturally, I'm talking going from $700 dollars in my bank account and suddenly having $7,000 in my account (this was not money I was expecting). Also, thanks to Amazon I started receiving bigger royalty checks deposited into my business bank account from books I had published back in 2019. Mind you, I was not doing any active promotion, however, people were finding my books by searching and having more time at home to read. When I tell you the way God showed out in my life during one of the hardest times globally, I will never doubt what he can do.
No matter what it looks like, no matter what may be going on in the world, God will provide. He is a good father; you can hold him to his word. His character, the Word of God, is unfailing. Here are seven scriptures to hold onto about provision.
Genesis 9:3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.
Hebrews 13:5 ... Never will I leave you never will I forsake you.
Jeremiah 29:11- 13 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Luke 12:24 Consider the ravens, they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn, yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds.
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Matthew 21:22 If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
So, to be clear provision is when your needs are met. It is applied for something, in this case, your purpose. The provision provides for a particular matter. Below I want to give you seven other ways God can reveal his provision.
Other Ways to Receive Provision (Tips)
1. Provision in the Form of Ideas
God can give you an idea or a vision. Often God will give you a big vision or purpose that you don't feel capable of achieving on your own, good! That means you need to rely on his ability to provide, and he is a good provider; Jehovah Jireh. The idea is the provision. Now take faith action and get to work. When you do what God says, when you take the necessary steps, watch how he meets your every need. Just remember to plant the seed, water it, tend to the vision, and watch it grow. Be careful not to give up right before your harvest.
2. Provision in "Due Season"
It's harvest time! Also called "due season" for believers. If you have been faithful with a little, it's time to receive much. God rewards those who are diligent. Don't give up before the prize, there is a surprise coming to those faithful in the Lord. Doing what God has called you to do, your purpose causes due season. Everything that you asked for and more will start to overtake you and showers of blessings will be your portion. Be ready to receive the blessing, it will flow in with ease and be your harvest for putting in the work (this is sometimes inner work that no one else sees). Even when you see no fruit, keep believing. God has not forgotten about you, walk-in purpose, keep doing the work, and watch God's abundant provision.
3. Provision in How to Build Wealth for the Next Generation
Many times, the reason why the vision is so big is that it's not even about you, it's for those who will come after you. Be willing to build for the next generation. Your purpose is bigger than you and that's why the provision will be met. God will bless you to be able to bless others.
4. Provision in the Form of Income Streams
God is not limited by only one way of doing things. He is a God of possibilities and more than enough. This is why it's so important to dream big, ask, and be in expectation for what God can do in your life. We serve a big God, just look at this beautiful world he has created. Look at oceans, the sky, and streams of living water. Look at the vastness of this Earth. The truth is God is able to give you more than one way to bring income into your home. Have you asked him?
Side Note: Get out a journal, write down some of the scriptures above, meditate on one that speaks to you, and ask the Holy Spirit for insight on how to apply the word to your current circumstance.
5. Provision Where You Need to Accept Help
God meant for us to live in unity; relationship with one another. He does not want you to be an island. Oftentimes God will leave room for others to help with accomplishing your purpose. It's okay to lean on someone and be strengthened by others. To be equipped and encouraged is a gift from God for the body of Christ. Be open to how God wants to bless you through others.
If you struggle with asking for help or receiving help, you can actually be blocking your provision. I used to struggle with this because of pride, but now when people see me working in my purpose and want to give to me, I welcome it. Stay open to receive God's goodness and provision. Thank God he uses people to help us.
6. Provision in Your Mindset
God can help you to have an abundant mindset; to see the abundance all around you. Do not believe the lie of scarcity (that there is not enough for you). If you have the word of God then you have abundance. The shift in thinking comes from your mindset. John 10:10 says "The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy but I've come that you may have life and life more abundantly".
7. Provision in Jesus
If you have Jesus, you are truly rich. You have everything you need, trust him. Matthew 6:33 says "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be added to you". Jesus took everything to the cross and when he rose with all power and authority as a believer you rose too. Step into and accept this free gift, one of those gifts is the promise of provision.
Final Word
Be willing to receive for your purpose needs provision. God will sustain you. He is faithful, he is a promise keeper, he will never leave nor forsake you. So, you can be confident if he told you to go, then the provision will appear. It does take faith. We have a purpose in him and we can always expect provision to come. Which of these 7 ways to activate provision are you committed to trying this week to unlock more purpose in your life?
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As you embrace this key of provision and move with purpose consider taking your faith journey a step further. My Faith for Today Journal is designed to help women of faith like you reflect on God’s work in your life, set intentional goals, and grow closer to Him.
With thoughtfully crafted writing prompts and space to record your thoughts, this journal is a powerful tool to help you stay anchored in faith throughout the year. You can find it on Amazon by clicking the image.

TahiraGift.com is a faith-filled space where I share devotionals, inspiration, and resources to encourage women of faith to grow spiritually and live purposefully. As an author, I also provide prayer journal self-publishing tools and resources for aspiring authors of faith, empowering them to write, publish, and share their stories with confidence. Whether you’re looking to deepen your relationship with God or step into your calling as an author, you’ll find support and guidance here to help you along the way.