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Tahira Neckles

7 Keys to Rejuvenation

Don't wait until you need rejuvenation! As we bring October to a close I'm sharing 7 Key elements that when put together make great techniques to stay fresh and beat burnout.

Key #1 Simplify- sometimes we just have to much on are plate. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the things on the "To Do List" the best thing to do is begin to simplify.

Key #2 Gain Clarity- if we gain the clarity to understand what are the priorities for our life then it becomes easier to manage the essentials and allow the unessential things to fall away. Focus on the things that matter to you most.

Key #3 Stillness- we are able to gain clarity when we are comfortable not always being busy and being still. This also means turning off the TV so we can truly feel what's going on within our heart, mind, and body. Are you comfortable in stillness?

Key #4 Check in- take sometime daily to be honest with yourself and feel the emotions you feel. If you are afraid tell yourself the truth, awareness is the first step. This can also mean scheduling time for You and doing something at least once a week that brings you joy.

Key #5 Gratitude- we all have something we can be grateful for it's just taking the moments to think upon those things. Being in Gratitude is truly rest for the soul, heart, and mind.

Key #6 Rest- yes physical rest is important but often times we need to also take mental breaks as well, this is when you take the time to unplug, laugh, or find away to ease the mind from the anxieties of life. Saying affirmations can also help.

Key # 7. Prayer, meditation, time with God- when you do find yourself feeling anxious it's time to seek a higher power. We are not meant to do this world alone and there is a place within us that only having a relationship with the creator can fill. Prayer, and seeking God's guidance can give you the most beneficial peace and rejuvenation.


Are you practicing any of the techniques above? This week I encourage you to reflect on at least 1 of the 7 above keys and write down in a journal all you discover. Taking action and then journaling about your results is an awareness process that can create more abundance in your life. For more tools join a NEW free Facebook group Release, Heal, and Grow for women.

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If we aren't connected yet on social media, I'd love to connect with you on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Please like, share, or comment if this blog post was an encouragement to you.

Giving Inspiration for today, until next time, Take Care.

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