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Tahira Neckles

3 Powerful Ways the Body Builds and Strengthens Abundance in your Life.

No words can express how important the role well-being plays when it comes to Abundance. No amount of money can replace the wealth you feel when you have a healthy body. Feeling vibrant and energized makes life more enjoyable. When your body feels good you feel more Abundant. And not feeling well in our bodies can take a physiological toll on our mind causing doubt that true Abundance exist. Today I want to encourage you to find ways to nourish your body. Taking care of your body is a divine responsibility. When you take time for self care you are tapping into Abundance. Never doubt the powerful abilities that your body holds. An Abundance of love awaits! Are you expressing love to yourself in the form of Self-Care? Look below to discover 3 powerful ways the body will uplift and strengthen Abundance in your life.

Here is:

1. Physically- The body is capable of amazing things, it's great to stretch and strengthen your self however, also listen to your body's internal clock, it has a self healing magnetism and knows when rest is needed.

2. Mentally- The use of visualization can improve the bodies performance. If you can see yourself doing it, you are more likely to achieve it.

3. Emotionally- Self Compassion is a powerful way to uplift the soul. Refrain from negative self-talk, shaming your body, or dwelling on feelings of guilt when you make a mistake. Choose to forgive yourself, move forward, and do better.

Tip of the Week:

Decide on 3 things you can do this week to uplift and strengthen your body? Write them down in a journal this week. If you would like, please share using the hashtags #Body #52WeeksofAbundance.

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If we aren't connected yet on social media, I'd love to connect with you on Instagram and Twitter. You can also like my Facebook page here. Thank you!

Special Offer:

In my new Gift Book, Giving Inspiration for Today: 52 Weeks of Abundance, week 5 is all about Body. Are you ready to take the journey with 52 weeks of Abundance in 2017? Get your copy here or better yet in the spirit of Abundance give it generously to a friend. Now only $7.99

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For more inspiration make sure to subscribe to my blog for weekly encouragement. Every Monday a new featured post. Next week I will be discussing Capabilities which is week 6 of 52 weeks of Abundance.


Do you like quotes? Then you will love my collection of over 100 quotes on Gratitude and more. Check out Body it's all free on my pinterest board.

Giving Inspiration for today, until next time, Take Care.

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