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Tahira Neckles

7 Powerful Truths About Appreciation

Appreciation and abundance go hand in hand. If you look at abundance like a tree then appreciation would be the water to support continual growth. Appreciation is a vital part of Abundant Living. The more appreciation you can sincerely express the more your tree of abundance will grow. In my New Gift Book, Giving Inspiration for Today: 52 Weeks of Abundance, week 2 is all about APPRECIATION.

Here are:

1) Appreciation comes from love.

2) Appreciation brings more into your life.

3) Appreciation gives you a content spirit; satisfaction in life.

4) Appreciation never let's you down.

5) Appreciation reminds you of your blessings.

6) Appreciation is the truth of your thoughts reflected back to you (the words you speak).

7) Appreciation gives warmth to the soul (when you speak into someone's life appreciation you do more for them then they may even know. To appreciate someone is to give them a free gift. A boost of encouragement that they matter. Appreciation is warmth for the giver and receiver.)

Tip of the Week: Find 7 people you can express appreciation to this week. Let them know, no matter how small, what they mean to you.

For more inspiration make sure to subscribe to my blog. Also, here is a collection of over 100 quotes on Gratitude and Appreciation on my pinterest board.

Giving Inspiration for today, until next time, Take Care.

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