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Writer's pictureTahira Neckles

How Do You Write A Book If You're Not A Writer l Writing Tips For Beginners

I've heard this phrase many times during my career as a writer. Tahira, it's easy for you but I'm not a writer. Today I'm answering the question I get asked often, "I'm not a writer how can I write a book?" I'm also throwing in 6 writing tips that will help you finally write your book in 2021. So let's dive right into week 2 of this 6-week blog series.

Here are some signs that you can write a book that most people miss.

If you love to read books.

Guess what, you can write a book.

If you're the one everyone comes to for advice.

You can write a book.

If you have ever accomplished anything whether at work, at school, a personal hobby, or heck giving birth (for all the incredible moms out there).

You certainly can write a book.

Often times it not that you're not a writer that is holding you back. It's that you lack the confidence to start. However, all of the people mentioned above, if you fit into any of those categories I can say with all certainty, someone out there can benefit from your book. The exact way you say it, your unique perspective, and your personal life experience is the reason someone needs to read your book. Someone is waiting on your book! Now hopefully you feel more encouraged to stop doubting yourself and go for it. What's next is knowing where to start. So let's dive into 6 writing tips to help support your beginner journey.

Take the pressure off, it is possible for you to accomplish your dream even if you don't feel like you're the most confident skilled writer.

Tip #1: Have a Clear Step-by-Step Action Plan

One mistake I see with first-time authors who don't know where to start is they don't have a plan of action. It's important to not just be out here wigging it but to have a step-by-step process that will guide you therefore you know what to do. I have a 6 Step Blueprint that you can use. These are the exact steps I take my one-on-one clients through. If you want a Write Your Book in 2021: 6 Step Blueprint Checklist get a free download here. This will help you with the writing process and keep you on track.

Tip #2: Grab at Least 3 Books You Want to Model

Pick three books that you would like to model your book after. I want you to look at how they break up their paragraphs, analyze the structure, and the format. It's okay to model, you're not copying, your book will be your own words but you're using their outline as an inspiration to get started. You can even start with some of your favorite authors, what do you like about the type of books that you read?

Pick books that you want to write. Here are examples of the type of books I help my clients with. Is it a...

  • Personal story

  • Devotional or Journal -Prayer, Gratitude, Guided

  • Step-by-step

  • Short-stories (fiction or non-fiction)

  • Poetry

  • Inspirational sayings, ie. 30 Days of Affirmations

Pro Tip: Become a reader. Great writers are also great readers. If you want to improve your writing skills get to reading.

Tip #3: Break Your Overall Writing Goal into Smaller Achievable Action Steps

There is a saying, have Smart goals. S.M.A.R.T= Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Results-Oriented, and Timely.

I recommend for first-time authors write a book from 120-150 pages. Why, because this is achievable to get done fast. I don't recommend you set a goal of writing a 300-page book as it can take years to acquire the skill level to give valuable information and not fluff. To be honest, readers just want the meat, give it to them straight, a solution to their problem. When you have a page number in mind then you can set writing goals. I will break it down for you here so you see how achievable it can be.

Writing Goals

  • A 25,000-word book.

  • Break it down to how many words to write per day. Let's say you write anywhere between 250 to 300 words a day 5 days a week.

  • I like better a goal of a certain number of pages to write a day. For a 120 to 150 page book that comes out to 4 or 5 pages a day 5 days a week.

  • I recommend 150 minutes a week if you want to finish faster.

  • You can also decide how many days you will sit down and write. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Monday through Friday, Tuesday & Thursday. It all depends on your goals and how fast you want to get your book done.

Pro Tip: Take a break and step away from your writing, even if it's just for an hour. Then come back, reread it, and take out unnecessary words, we often need to simplify. I'm going to share a quick way I help my clients skip this writing process and you can use this method too. It's called Talk to Text. Why write when you can just speak and have your words typed for you.

Tip # 4: Use Technology to Your Advantage

There are many writing apps available that will help you when writing your book. However, not to overwhelm you with too many options here are my top three. They all have a free version to get started.

1. Google docs is great for using the talk to text feature I mentioned earlier.

2. Grammarly helps with your spelling, grammar, and even the tone of your writing.

3. Hemingway app looks at readability, sentence structure, word usage, passive voice, and adverbs.

Tip #5: Keep a Journal

Always keep a journal with you so when you get divine ideas you can write them down. You never know when your writing will flow. You want to get in the habit of writing especially when inspiration hits. And just like I mentioned in the other tip use the technology talk to text to then enter in your journal writing and let the computer do the work for you.

Tip #6: Hire help

You don't have to be a perfect writer as long as you're willing to get help. There are so many people whether they're proofreaders, editors, who write for a living that can help you with your book. Don't be afraid to get help. The answer you need is often in a person. In a later blog in this series, I'll go over some places that you can get help. If you're ready to finally get your book done, I have a premium Done-For-You service where I help you write your book in 6 weeks.

Final Word

This is your season to write your book and finally become an author in 2021. If you're a self-starter take these writing tips and get started. You can do it! And if you would like assistance with the 6-Step Blueprint I can help. Also, don't let self-publishing scare you. I will be breaking down all the potential costs in another upcoming blog series.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post please feel free to ask any questions in the comments, like, and share. Join my email list so you never miss a post during this series. Stay tuned for week 3 to come out next week July 1st.

Upcoming Series Topics below:

Week 1: How to Write a Book in 2021: A 6-Step Blueprint (Detailed Step-by-Step)

Week 2- How Do you Write a book if you're not a Writer I Writing Tips for Beginners

Week 3- How Long Does it take to Write a Book

Week 4- The Easiest Way to Self-Publish a Book

Week 5- Dreaming of Becoming an Author I Don't Let Fear Stop You

Week 6- How Do you Make Money from your Book

Book Consultation Now offering a Summer Special of $100 vs $250 for a one-on-one. Click here to schedule your consultation so you can finally get that book done.

This blog contains affiliate links. As an Amazon associate if you purchase from any link I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks again for your support. And happy reading!

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