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Writer's pictureTahira Neckles

Dreaming of Becoming an Author? Don't Let Fear Stop You!

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

I'm excited for this blog post as I know what it feels like to have a dream of being a published author but being stuck in fear. I was stuck in fear for years before I found the courage and took faith action to publish my first book. Now 6 years later, I am the author of several successful books. It is my pleasure to not only teach you a strategy for success but to share how I was able to overcome my fear so that you too can follow your dream of becoming a published author.

I've seen time and time again people coming to me wanting to write a book but then letting fear stop them. If you've ever been there then this blog is for you. Please know that you are not alone. We all have to face these emotions of fear and push through to accomplish the goal. Use these tips to accelerate you're writing success. Let's dive right in.

I can remember it like it was yesterday, sitting at my desk thinking to myself "I'm ready to shift, do what I was called to do, live in my purpose". I wanted to be a full-time writer, it was time for a career change. At this time of dreaming I was in a management position as a Career Coach helping others with education and career advancement. Sure I was great at the job but it didn't make my heart smile. I was a writer, I knew I was meant to be an author of several books. At this time I hadn't written a single book and stayed stuck in the dreamer phase.

Fast forward, now I have the privilege to help other first-time authors published their books. But what took me so long? I had always been a writer since I was 12 years old, writing stories in my journal and reciting those stories to family and friends. I'm sure over the years I drove them crazy with my constant storytelling. I have always used writing in my work. I was the person that did the company's newsletter even though it wasn't a part of my job description. I was the person who used my words to inspire. Writing came naturally to me, as I excelled in English. Even with all this evidence that I could do it I never did for many years.

Why? Well, I let fear stop me point-blank! And I don't want you to spend years even months staying stuck. If you're called to be an author this is your sign. It's time to go forth. You get to overcome the elephant in the room; the emotion of fear that attacks your mind. Today I'm giving you 6 tips to use to overcome fear and go for your dreams. Today I'm on the other side and I want to see you there too.

Tip #1: Start Before You're Ready

Fear has a way of stagnating you. One thing I would encourage you to do is start even if you don't feel ready, or it isn't perfect. There will never be a perfect time to start writing the book. Things to start before you're ready; start the blog, start the social media, start telling people you're writing a book. Do not be afraid to seem like an amateur, we must all start somewhere. Two books I have read several times before actually taking the leap and recommend are Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffreys and The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life To The Next Level by Gay Hendricks.

Even the Pro athlete was once a beginner. It started with taking the first step.

Tip #2: Educate Yourself

One of the things that helped me is learning about the self-publishing process. I knew I wanted to be an author but because the traditional publishing method didn't work for me I had to learn a new way of accomplishing my dream. So good job if you're reading this blog, that means you're obtaining the knowledge that you need to go forward with your dream.

Tip #3: Seek Community

Having community hands down is one of the things that help me the most. It's important to get around supportive and like-minded people to help you overcome your fear. People will push you and believe in you even when you don't believe in yourself. Now yes, it's true you don't want to get around the wrong people who will discourage you. But if you're blessed enough to find a community of people that are going to promote you and encourage you this will help you to overcome fear.

Tip #4: Have a Plan of Action

One of the things that can trip a first-time author up is not knowing what to do or where to start and that's why having a plan of action is important. My 6-Step Blueprint is a clear path for anyone who wants to write their book in 30 days. It will tell you exactly what you need to do from start to finish to self-publish your book. No guessing involved just taking consistent faith action, overcoming your fear, and believing you can do it. If you want to Write Your Book: 6 Step Blueprint Checklist get a free download here.

Pro Tip:

  • Accelerate your progress by consulting with an expert. You can bypass many unnecessary mistakes by allowing someone who has already mastered the process to guide you.

Tip # 5: Use The Word of God

Nothing can help you more to overcome fear than the Word of God. I always encourage speaking and professing the promises of God over your life.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)

No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.” Isaiah 54:17 (ESV)

For we live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV)

The Word is truly transformational when you meditate on it. No matter what fears may come they cannot stay. You have to cast your fears down. There is a difference between fear and caution and wisdom will help you know the difference. Most fears that come to discourage you from becoming an author are distractions. When you speak The Word and focus instead on the dream you can break past barriers. When fear comes speak The Word of God no matter what it looks like, this is your faith in action.

Tip #6: Confess Your Dream Aloud

It's important to speak "as if". This means speaking I am statements about your dream out loud. Way before I became a published author I repeated affirmations to myself. Here are a few:

"I am an Inspirational Author"

"I am a Bestselling Author"

"I have several books that make an impact"

"I am making a difference with my writing.

I want to challenge you today to start speaking your dream. Start believing and recognizing yourself as an author. If God has put the dream in your heart it's already possible. You just haven't achieved it yet. But I'm speaking it by faith that this will be the year in 2021 that you become a published author. If you're reading this blog post today you have the opportunity as self-publishing a book is easier than ever.

Final Word

I have used each of the tips listed to overcome fear and pursue my dream of becoming a published author. Hopefully, you can learn from my story. If you're a self-starter take these writing tips and get started on your dream. You can do it! And if you would like assistance with the 6-Step Blueprint I can help.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post please feel free to ask any questions in the comments, like, and share. Join my email list so you never miss a blog post.

Series Topics below:

Week 1: How to Write a Book in 2021: A 6-Step Blueprint (Detailed Step-by-Step)

Week 2- How Do you Write a book if you're not a Writer I Writing Tips for Beginners

Week 3- How Long Does it take to Write a Book

Week 4- The Easiest Way to Self-Publish a Book

Week 5- Dreaming of Becoming an Author? Don't Let Fear Stop You!

Week 6- How Do you Make Money from your Book

Book Consultation Now offering a Fall Special of $150 vs $250 for a one-on-one. Click here to schedule your consultation so you can finally get that book done.

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