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Writer's pictureTahira Neckles

7 Keys To Purpose I Week 3: Perception

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Welcome to the 7 Keys to Purpose blog series. This post will cover week 3 out of a 6-week series. In case you missed it, last week we dived into how to use praise to unlock purpose. Below you will find the 7 Keys and summary of each week's topic. Week 3 is all about perception, so let's get started with this God-given key.

Key 3: Perception

You must believe in the vision God has given, you have dreams and desires for a reason. Trust that with faith you already have what you need to bring it into existence.

What are you perceiving? God can definitely give you dreams and visions to unlock purpose in your life. When God gives you a vision he will also give you clarity. You may not know how you will achieve the dream but if it's God-given he will speak to you. The question is can you perceive it?

I define perception as the wisdom to see beyond what it looks like with the natural eye, a sixth sense as some call it. Yes, we use all 5 senses; taste, touch, sight, smell, and sound to perceive with our natural eye. But as believers who dwell in the spirit and in his presence we have access to knowledge that will unlock purpose in our lives. With this spirit and truth we are given intuition, or I like to say insight from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will give you wisdom beyond the natural senses. The Word states in Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. It can be easy to look at what is going on in the world and be discouraged. The way the world perceives things and the way things are in God are not the same. Wisdom is being able to know the difference. Below I will share some areas to seek wisdom for a God-given perception.

Side Note: When God speaks make sure you have a journal to write it all down.

Areas to Ask for Wisdom in Perception (Tips)

1. Perception for Your Circumstances

Things are not always what they seem do not be deceived. Also in the valley there can be many blessings. Ask God for the wisdom to open your eyes to see, ears to hear what he is doing despite how it may feel. It may be hard to go through but it does not mean there is not a purpose. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)

2. Perception about Other People

We need God's perception when it comes to the people in our lives, especially those we allow in our inner circle. Even when it comes to family members or friends it's important to go to God to discern peoples true hearts and nature. Wisdom is going to God first in prayer and his word before man. It can be tempting to follow the advice of others and they may mean well, but it's God who knows your purpose.

3. Perception about Your Current Job or Career

God can open doors for you to easily get a position, promotion, or start a business. When God is in it, it will flow and you will be surprised by the ease. Closed doors can sometimes mean protection. When there's a lot of pain, stress, or anxiety please seek God for wisdom. I believe pain is a sign. It is not God's will for you to wake up everyday and do a job or career that makes you feel miserable. The blessing of the Lord enriches, and He adds no sorrow to it. Proverbs 10:22 (Berean Study Bible)

Often we allow fear to creep in and we wait to long in a position because of money when we know God has told us to leave. Change and getting outside our comfort zone can be the exact thing we need to grow. It's a faith walk to believe that God will provide the provision for the purpose he has given you. When it comes to your job or career here are 3 questions to journal and ask God about to get you started:

1. God Am I doing the right thing?

2. Have you planted me here?

3. Am I on the right path? (If you ask God for confirmation he will give it to you)

I pray that no matter what answer you get after reflection you have the courage to be obedient. God will never lead you down a road that's not for your good but you must have the perception to move in faith and purpose despite the uncertainty.

5. Perception about Your Relationship with Finances

I know when you talk about money it can be a sensitive topic but I really do believe God cares about our finances. Especially as Kingdom-minded people who want to finance missions or any work being done to bring light to the world. Our ability to give comes from being great stewards over what God has blessed us with. Also I believe how we deal with our finances is a heart position toward God. Whether we are givers or even understand the parable of reaping and sowing. It's due season for believers and God wants to release provision for his glory (I'll talk a little bit more about this in week four when I go into provision). If God has given you a purpose please know that it will take finances, so might as well get a handle over your money and get comfortable asking for the wisdom to deal with it.

6. Perception about Your Parenting

God is the ultimate parent; Abba father. He wants to give his children wisdom on how to raise the children he has blessed us with. I know that I am a vessel and my children came through me, but they are ultimately God's children. It is my privilege and responsibility to lead them toward God. It takes wisdom from God's word and the Holy Spirit to parent with compassion, gentleness, kindness, and grace. Oftentimes, out of habit we tend to parent how we were parented. However, if we have childhood traumas or unmet needs that we experienced then unknowingly we can pass down destructive patterns. God can give you a new way of parenting despite how you were raised. It takes courage to be a parent and ask for wisdom to perceive what you need to do, especially with each individual child, as they are unique and need love differently.

7. Perception with Strangers

God will often send people in our lives to help with part of the plan to support our purpose. Be open to how God can use people but also use discernment. You never know, the stranger could be an angel in disguise. Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13: 2 (New American Standard Bible)

In my own life God has used people to answer a prayer. If you are allowing the Holy- Spirit to guide you then trust that you will have the right perception. Learning to trust yourself and the vision God has given you will support your involvement with people who suddenly enter your life.

Final Word

God is in the blessing business. He cares about your relationships, he cares about your finances, he cares about your circumstances. God is able to help you in every area and situation. There is nothing to small or too hard for God. He wants you to come to him for wisdom so that you can better perceive what he's doing, despite what it looks like. But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6. We have a purpose in him and we can always come purposefully to perceive his goodness. Which of these 7 ways to use perception are you committed to trying this week to unlock more purpose in your life?

Did you enjoy this post? Feel free to comment, like, and share. Also, when you join my email list you will receive a free gift of God's Promises you can use to speak over your life. Stay tuned for week 4 in this series will come out next week May 20th.

Upcoming Series Topics and Keys to Purpose below:

Week 1- Prayer

Week 2- Praise

Week 3- Perception

Week 4- Provision

Week 5- Preparation

Week 6- Promises and Profession

Behind the scenes:

I'm finishing up Purpose For Today which will be the 5th book in the Giving Inspiration For Today Book Series volume 2. I started writing in 2019, then took a writing Sabbatical, started writing again in silence in September of 2020, now I'm almost to the finish line. I'm so excited to share what God has given me to release. I believe it is a fresh way of looking at Purpose that is going to set many of us purpose-driven women free. Thanks for reading and let's stay connected on my newest Instagram or Facebook page @GivingInspirationForToday

Featured book in Giving Inspiration For Today series Well-being For Today: A Guided Journal to Nourish Your Well-being.

If you're looking for a journal to write your reflections in or maybe you are an aspiring author consider Well-being for Today. Available now on Amazon for $27 click the link here to get your copy.

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1. Prayers

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3. Monetary contributions. If you have been blessed by these words and feel lead to give. You can donate to TahiraGift Ministry here.

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